When you make Northfield your new address, you have arrived at a place where family and community spirit flourishes, friendships are born and fond memories are created.
Northfield is classified as a Home Rule city by the state of Kentucky. Elected officials include a Mayor and six council persons, with additional positions appointed or contracted. Minutes for regular monthly council meetings are posted and give more insights into how our city works for you.
Communication is key to serving our residents well. Northfield provides multiple channels for information exchange, just keep us up to date with your current info.
As a Northfield resident your sanitation, local police, and road maintenance are all provided by the City of Northfield. This allows us to be more responsive and tailor basic services to our community needs.
Conveniently located across from the main residential neighborhoods and Hwy 42, over 100 businesses call Northfield home. So many amenities within a short walk or ride make Northfield the ultimate in residential accommodation.